Star Health Multispecialty Group P.c. is a primary clinic (Nurse Practitioner) in Paw Paw, Michigan. The current practice location for Star Health Multispecialty Group P.c. is 451 Health Pkwy, Paw Paw, Michigan. For appointments, you can reach them via phone at
(269) 657-8300. The mailing address for Star Health Multispecialty Group P.c. is 451 Health Pkwy, Paw Paw, Michigan and phone number is (269) 657-8300.
Star Health Multispecialty Group P.c. is licensed to practice in * (Not Available) (license number ) and its
NPI number is 1851466817. This medical practice
does not participate in medicare program and thus may not accept your medicare insurance. You may check if they accept your insurance at
(269) 657-8300.
Primary Care Clinic Profile
Full Name | Star Health Multispecialty Group P.c. |
Speciality | Nurse Practitioner |
Location | 451 Health Pkwy, Paw Paw, Michigan |
Authorized Official Name and Position | Mary M Meitz (VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE) |
Authorized Official Contact | 2693417654 |
Accepts Medicare Insurance | This clinic does not participate in Medicare Program. |
Mailing Address and Practice Location
Mailing Address | Practice Location Address |
Star Health Multispecialty Group P.c. 451 Health Pkwy Paw Paw MI 49079-8242 Ph: (269) 657-8300 | Star Health Multispecialty Group P.c. 451 Health Pkwy Paw Paw MI 49079-8242 Ph: (269) 657-8300 |
NPI Details:
NPI Number | 1851466817 |
Provider Enumeration Date | 11/22/2006 |
Last Update Date | 08/22/2020 |
Medical Identifiers
Medical identifiers for Star Health Multispecialty Group P.c. such as npi, medicare ID, medicare PIN, medicaid, etc.
Identifier | Type | State | Issuer |
1851466817 | NPI | - | NPPES |
Medical Taxonomies and Licenses
Taxonomy | Type | License (State) | Status |
207Q00000X | Family Medicine | (* (Not Available)) | Primary |
207R00000X | Internal Medicine | (* (Not Available)) | Primary |
207RP1001X | Internal Medicine - Pulmonary Disease | (* (Not Available)) | Primary |
207V00000X | Obstetrics & Gynecology | (* (Not Available)) | Primary |
208000000X | Pediatrics | (* (Not Available)) | Primary |
208600000X | Surgery | (* (Not Available)) | Primary |
363A00000X | Physician Assistant | (* (Not Available)) | Primary |
363L00000X | Nurse Practitioner | (* (Not Available)) | Primary |
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