- Medicare Physical Therapist in Tillamook, OR

is a medicare enrolled "Physical Therapist" provider in Tillamook, Oregon. Their current practice location is 3500 12th St, Tillamook, Oregon. You can reach out to their office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (971) 354-4267.

is licensed to practice in * (Not Available) (license number ) and it also participates in the medicare program. is enrolled with medicare and should accept medicare assignments and since they are enrolled in medicare, they may order Medicare Part D Prescription drugs, if eligible. The facility's NPI Number is 1184205056.

Contact Information

3500 12th St,
Tillamook, OR 97141-2637
(971) 354-4267
Not Available

Map and Direction

Healthcare Provider's Profile

Full Name
SpecialityPhysical Therapist
Location3500 12th St, Tillamook, Oregon
Accepts Medicare AssignmentsMedicare enrolled and accepts medicare insurance. Providers at this facility may prescribe medicare part D drugs.
  NPI Data:
  • NPI Number: 1184205056
  • Provider Enumeration Date: 04/21/2021
  • Last Update Date: 03/31/2023
  Medicare PECOS Information:
  • PECOS PAC ID: 2365359932
  • Enrollment ID: O20140910001015

Medical Identifiers

Medical identifiers for such as npi, medicare ID, medicare PIN, medicaid, etc.

Medical Taxonomies and Licenses

TaxonomyTypeLicense (State)Status
225100000XPhysical Therapist (* (Not Available))Primary
225X00000XOccupational Therapist (* (Not Available))Secondary
235Z00000XSpeech-language Pathologist (* (Not Available))Secondary

Medicare Reassignments

Some practitioners may not bill the customers directly but medicare billing happens through clinics / group practice / hospitals where the provider works. acts as a billing entity for following providers:
Provider NameTiina A Lemetyinen
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1487808085
PECOS PAC ID: 7315128287
Enrollment ID: I20110224000964
Provider NameLucy Dahl
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1326312414
PECOS PAC ID: 6305070327
Enrollment ID: I20131007000869
Provider NameRebecca J Staples
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1659502557
PECOS PAC ID: 0143655399
Enrollment ID: I20200512003802
Provider NameHaleigh Marie Rabe
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1518541507
PECOS PAC ID: 8820407448
Enrollment ID: I20210512001725
Provider NameNayana Kode
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1982972147
PECOS PAC ID: 1153582325
Enrollment ID: I20210629002545
Provider NameTyler Gregory Whygle
Provider TypePractitioner - Qualified Speech Language Pathologist
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1811257272
PECOS PAC ID: 1052712809
Enrollment ID: I20210630001974
Provider NameMary Shores
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1124488838
PECOS PAC ID: 0941614622
Enrollment ID: I20230531002052
Provider NameMadison Carlson
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1235774753
PECOS PAC ID: 7012340532
Enrollment ID: I20230531002120
Provider NameJared Doak
Provider TypePractitioner - Occupational Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1285105627
PECOS PAC ID: 0547653974
Enrollment ID: I20230705002564
Provider NameJulie A Andreoli
Provider TypePractitioner - Occupational Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1740616234
PECOS PAC ID: 2365741097
Enrollment ID: I20230707001553
Provider NameCarl Flores
Provider TypePractitioner - Occupational Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1538845409
PECOS PAC ID: 1850751496
Enrollment ID: I20230714001248
Provider NameBrianna Abernathy
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1457863714
PECOS PAC ID: 3678832920
Enrollment ID: I20230908000534
Provider NameStacey L S Moore
Provider TypePractitioner - Occupational Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1558426593
PECOS PAC ID: 9739534199
Enrollment ID: I20231005000779
Provider NameDaniel Anderson
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1205105202
PECOS PAC ID: 7416119524
Enrollment ID: I20231106000891
Provider NameWendy Dahmer
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Therapist In Private Practice
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1427026012
PECOS PAC ID: 6507243649
Enrollment ID: I20240514003534

Medicare Part D Prescriber Enrollment

Any physician or other eligible professional who prescribes Part D drugs must either enroll in the Medicare program or opt out in order to prescribe drugs to their patients with Part D prescription drug benefit plans. is enrolled with medicare and thus, if eligible, can prescribe medicare part D drugs to patients with medicare part D benefits.

Mailing Address and Practice Location

Mailing AddressPractice Location Address

101 E State St,
Kennett Square, PA 19348-3109

Ph: (800) 728-8808

3500 12th St,
Tillamook, OR 97141-2637

Ph: (971) 354-4267

Reviews and Comments

Physical Therapist in Tillamook, OR

Jonathan Mark Jackson, DPT
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 1000 3rd St, Tillamook, OR 97141
Phone: 503-842-4444    
Trask River Therapy Llc
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 27025 Trask River Rd, Tillamook, OR 97141
Phone: 503-842-7305    Fax: 503-842-0447
Danielle Nightshade, PT
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 2101 5th St Ste B, Tillamook, OR 97141
Phone: 503-354-2170    Fax: 541-833-4053
Ms. Susan Diane Knotts, PT LMT
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 27025 Trask River Road, Tillamook, OR 97141
Phone: 503-842-7305    Fax: 503-842-0447
Brandy Jacob,
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 1000 3rd St, Tillamook, OR 97141
Phone: 503-842-4444    

Medicare Program: Medicare is a federal government program which provides health insurance to people who are 65 or older. This program also covers certain younger people with disabilities (who receive Social Security Disability Insurance - SSDI), and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant, sometimes called ESRD.

Medicare Assignment: Assignment means that your doctor, provider, or supplier agrees (or is required by law) to accept the Medicare-approved amount as full payment for covered services. Most doctors, providers, and suppliers accept assignment, but you should always check to make sure. Participating providers have signed an agreement to accept assignment for all Medicare-covered services.

NPI Number: The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique identification number for covered health care providers. The NPI must be used in lieu of legacy provider identifiers in the HIPAA standards transactions. Covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses must use the NPIs in the administrative and financial transactions adopted under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

Our Data: Information on www.medicarelist.com is built using data sources published by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The information disclosed on the NPI Registry are FOIA-disclosable and are required to be disclosed under the FOIA and the eFOIA amendments to the FOIA. There is no way to 'opt out' or 'suppress' the NPPES record data for health care providers with active NPIs.