Speech R Us is a mental health clinic (Psychologist - Clinical Child & Adolescent) in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico. The current practice location for Speech R Us is Plaza Monserrate Ii, Local 5, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico. For appointments, you can reach them via phone at (787) 423-2481. The mailing address for Speech R Us is 19 Calle Betances, Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico and phone number is (787) 423-2481.
Speech R Us is licensed to practice in * (Not Available) (license number ) and its NPI number is 1407325921. This medical practice does not participate in medicare program and thus may not accept your medicare insurance. You may check if they accept your insurance at (787) 423-2481.
Psicologia Innovadora Del Oeste Mental Health Clinic Medicare: Medicare Enrolled Practice Location: Bo Lavadero Carr #2 Km Hm 165.5, Hormigueros, PR 00660 Phone: 939-865-3515