Newport Multispecialty - Medicare Mental Health Clinic in Newport, RI

Newport Multispecialty is a medicare enrolled mental health clinic (Obstetrics & Gynecology) in Newport, Rhode Island. The current practice location for Newport Multispecialty is 11 Friendship St, Newport, Rhode Island. For appointments, you can reach them via phone at (401) 444-6905. The mailing address for Newport Multispecialty is 117 Ellenfield St, Providence, Rhode Island and phone number is (401) 444-6905.

Newport Multispecialty is licensed to practice in * (Not Available) (license number ). The clinic also participates in the medicare program and its NPI number is 1063632180. This medical practice accepts medicare insurance (which means this clinic accepts the Medicare-approved amount; you will not be billed for any more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance). However, please confirm if they accept your insurance at (401) 444-6905.

Contact Information

Newport Multispecialty
11 Friendship St
RI 02840-2209
(401) 444-6905
(401) 444-6912

Map and Direction

Mental Health Clinic Profile

Full NameNewport Multispecialty
SpecialityObstetrics & Gynecology
Location11 Friendship St, Newport, Rhode Island
Authorized Official Name and PositionPeter K Markell (EVP & CFO)
Authorized Official Contact4014447914
Accepts Medicare InsuranceYes. This clinic participates in medicare program and accept medicare insurance.

Mailing Address and Practice Location

Mailing AddressPractice Location Address
Newport Multispecialty
117 Ellenfield St
RI 02905-4513

Ph: (401) 444-6905
Newport Multispecialty
11 Friendship St
RI 02840-2209

Ph: (401) 444-6905

NPI Details:

NPI Number1063632180
Provider Enumeration Date04/30/2007
Last Update Date11/04/2024
Certification Date11/04/2024

Medicare PECOS Information:

Medicare PECOS PAC ID0042111437
Medicare Enrollment IDO20040422000696

Medical Identifiers

Medical identifiers for Newport Multispecialty such as npi, medicare ID, medicare PIN, medicaid, etc.

Medical Taxonomies and Licenses

TaxonomyTypeLicense (State)Status
101YM0800XCounselor - Mental Health (* (Not Available))Secondary
1041C0700XSocial Worker - Clinical (* (Not Available))Secondary
106H00000XMarriage & Family Therapist (* (Not Available))Secondary
207V00000XObstetrics & Gynecology (* (Not Available))Primary
207VM0101XObstetrics & Gynecology - Maternal & Fetal Medicine (* (Not Available))Secondary
207VX0000XObstetrics & Gynecology - Obstetrics (* (Not Available))Secondary
207ZP0102XPathology - Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Pathology (* (Not Available))Secondary
208000000XPediatrics (* (Not Available))Secondary
2080N0001XPediatrics - Neonatal-perinatal Medicine (* (Not Available))Secondary
208100000XPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation (* (Not Available))Secondary
2081P2900XPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Pain Medicine (* (Not Available))Secondary
2084N0400XPsychiatry & Neurology - Neurology (* (Not Available))Secondary
2084P0800XPsychiatry & Neurology - Psychiatry (* (Not Available))Secondary
363LF0000XNurse Practitioner - Family (* (Not Available))Secondary
363LP0200XNurse Practitioner - Pediatrics (* (Not Available))Secondary

Medicare Reassignments

Some practitioners may not bill the customers directly but medicare billing happens through clinics / group practice / hospitals where the provider works. Newport Multispecialty acts as a billing entity for following providers:
Provider NameGladys H Telang
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1063466621
PECOS PAC ID: 1557312352
Enrollment ID: I20050209000721
Provider NameLisa J Goldstein
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1053365684
PECOS PAC ID: 8628021391
Enrollment ID: I20050223000370
Provider NameLeslie Robinson-bostom
Provider TypePractitioner - Dermatology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1154368454
PECOS PAC ID: 8022051796
Enrollment ID: I20050606000058
Provider NameJames F Padbury
Provider TypePractitioner - Pediatric Medicine
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1275516544
PECOS PAC ID: 8224922240
Enrollment ID: I20051031000517
Provider NameMaria A Guglielmo
Provider TypePractitioner - Neurosurgery
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1063504512
PECOS PAC ID: 1658348750
Enrollment ID: I20060209000355
Provider NameDiana O Treaba
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1750328902
PECOS PAC ID: 9032125752
Enrollment ID: I20060303000398
Provider NameDouglas Martin
Provider TypePractitioner - Emergency Medicine
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1316981988
PECOS PAC ID: 1759386097
Enrollment ID: I20060920000388
Provider NameMirela Stancu
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1164435772
PECOS PAC ID: 1951408012
Enrollment ID: I20070524000244
Provider NameDebra A Karinski
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1598722605
PECOS PAC ID: 4486739604
Enrollment ID: I20080312000575
Provider NameDariusz R Stachurski
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1316092166
PECOS PAC ID: 3870679392
Enrollment ID: I20080325000193
Provider NameEvgeny Yakirevich
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1528285467
PECOS PAC ID: 1254419799
Enrollment ID: I20080423000533
Provider NameJohn E Donahue
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1609813914
PECOS PAC ID: 0345311858
Enrollment ID: I20080611000141
Provider NameClaudia A Wheeler
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1518154079
PECOS PAC ID: 3173694890
Enrollment ID: I20080624000017
Provider NameDaniel Coghlin
Provider TypePractitioner - Pediatric Medicine
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1942237847
PECOS PAC ID: 7315002078
Enrollment ID: I20090212000004
Provider NameLi Juan Wang
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1649217803
PECOS PAC ID: 3870772296
Enrollment ID: I20110131000908
Provider NameLatha R Pisharodi
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1225082720
PECOS PAC ID: 2466633763
Enrollment ID: I20110218000925
Provider NameCorey E Ventetuolo
Provider TypePractitioner - Pulmonary Disease
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1538318241
PECOS PAC ID: 1456484955
Enrollment ID: I20110711000411
Provider NameRoss J Taliano
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1720065287
PECOS PAC ID: 3678742848
Enrollment ID: I20110803000788
Provider NameMurray B Resnick
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1144274838
PECOS PAC ID: 5193753010
Enrollment ID: I20120206000754
Provider NameAli Amin
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1952544264
PECOS PAC ID: 9638337900
Enrollment ID: I20120220000004
Provider NameDouglas C Anthony
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1558308270
PECOS PAC ID: 2365480530
Enrollment ID: I20120328000608
Provider NameYihong Wang
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1649439142
PECOS PAC ID: 5799836128
Enrollment ID: I20121003000861
Provider NameWeibiao Cao
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1528249075
PECOS PAC ID: 5698929438
Enrollment ID: I20130204000208
Provider NameMaria Luisa Garcia Moliner
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1144298894
PECOS PAC ID: 5193706687
Enrollment ID: I20140409000987
Provider NameChristian L Nixon
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1881929305
PECOS PAC ID: 6709003346
Enrollment ID: I20140806000058
Provider NameShaolei Lu
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1750519021
PECOS PAC ID: 4183841752
Enrollment ID: I20140806001088
Provider NameMariana Canepa
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1073853248
PECOS PAC ID: 8022236801
Enrollment ID: I20140820002757
Provider NameJesse L Hart
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1942409461
PECOS PAC ID: 1850510033
Enrollment ID: I20140922000023
Provider NameAlexios Carayannopoulos
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1861592156
PECOS PAC ID: 8921190869
Enrollment ID: I20141114000057
Provider NameJackie Fernandes
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1760712616
PECOS PAC ID: 4082939376
Enrollment ID: I20150209000338
Provider NameKeith Austin Scarfo
Provider TypePractitioner - Anesthesiology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1003012014
PECOS PAC ID: 7618146309
Enrollment ID: I20150216001971
Provider NameGina M Connerton
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1720399793
PECOS PAC ID: 9436470168
Enrollment ID: I20150608000312
Provider NameJosef S Fields
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1902187685
PECOS PAC ID: 5597078634
Enrollment ID: I20150720001140
Provider NameMustapha Kemal
Provider TypePractitioner - Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1942281662
PECOS PAC ID: 5193896876
Enrollment ID: I20150916002059
Provider NameChristopher P Elco
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1770756819
PECOS PAC ID: 8628291242
Enrollment ID: I20160107000119
Provider NameJared Steven Fridley
Provider TypePractitioner - Neurosurgery
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1669703633
PECOS PAC ID: 3577859974
Enrollment ID: I20160912001226
Provider NameRicky D Grisson
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1093910606
PECOS PAC ID: 7911288253
Enrollment ID: I20161229000548
Provider NameSara Maleki
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1023306974
PECOS PAC ID: 5698060895
Enrollment ID: I20180213000165
Provider NameRose Moriarty
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1194223164
PECOS PAC ID: 8325309248
Enrollment ID: I20180309000681
Provider NameJustin Li
Provider TypePractitioner - Anesthesiology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1316351091
PECOS PAC ID: 6305145202
Enrollment ID: I20190614000882
Provider NameJoaquin Q Camara
Provider TypePractitioner - Neurosurgery
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1760778443
PECOS PAC ID: 3577897511
Enrollment ID: I20190626000520
Provider NameKatelyn C Dannheim Drew
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1558781260
PECOS PAC ID: 9537496245
Enrollment ID: I20190802001979
Provider NameLucy C Andrade
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1487993994
PECOS PAC ID: 3971882655
Enrollment ID: I20191025000037
Provider NameLaert Rusha
Provider TypePractitioner - Pain Management
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1013301381
PECOS PAC ID: 1052610078
Enrollment ID: I20200605001506
Provider NameJisoo Lee
Provider TypePractitioner - Pulmonary Disease
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1962820969
PECOS PAC ID: 5395961056
Enrollment ID: I20200707001887
Provider NameRoss Barker
Provider TypePractitioner - Pain Management
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1679836266
PECOS PAC ID: 0749557403
Enrollment ID: I20210811000724
Provider NameDragos Luca
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1417026832
PECOS PAC ID: 8224131404
Enrollment ID: I20220208001422
Provider NameStefanie Dias
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1457019721
PECOS PAC ID: 9931593605
Enrollment ID: I20220222002026
Provider NameErica Spano
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1811646177
PECOS PAC ID: 2860873742
Enrollment ID: I20220725000115
Provider NameLiang Cheng
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1528025301
PECOS PAC ID: 4486826724
Enrollment ID: I20220827000049
Provider NameMartha Christine Moe
Provider TypePractitioner - Obstetrics/gynecology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1689827990
PECOS PAC ID: 7618025073
Enrollment ID: I20220831001603
Provider NameElena T Puscasiu
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1801048749
PECOS PAC ID: 9032390919
Enrollment ID: I20221013001100
Provider NameLiz Edmund
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1588032486
PECOS PAC ID: 7517277817
Enrollment ID: I20221018000915
Provider NameCarl Erik Bergeson
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1659093854
PECOS PAC ID: 1557739760
Enrollment ID: I20221118002587
Provider NameRafael De La Garza Ramos
Provider TypePractitioner - Neurosurgery
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1225487366
PECOS PAC ID: 5193181865
Enrollment ID: I20230523000605
Provider NameKhaled Jamal Mohd Alkhateeb
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1295265478
PECOS PAC ID: 1254799281
Enrollment ID: I20230622002120
Provider NameHarry Joseph Rosenberg
Provider TypePractitioner - Pathology
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1346747938
PECOS PAC ID: 7618330119
Enrollment ID: I20230831001338
Provider NameKelly Elizabeth Rosenbeck
Provider TypePractitioner - Nurse Practitioner
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1659053577
PECOS PAC ID: 8628427135
Enrollment ID: I20231208003281
Provider NameSarah Ladd Dennewitz
Provider TypePractitioner - Marriage And Family Therapist
Provider IdentifiersNPI Number: 1922256544
PECOS PAC ID: 8123468402
Enrollment ID: I20240503000659

Reviews and Comments

Obstetrics & Gynecology in Newport, RI

Seaside Psychological Services, Llc
Mental Health Clinic
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 117 Bellevue Ave, 201d, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-239-6895    Fax: 401-849-3659
Kathlyn Heckart Llc
Mental Health Clinic
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 38 Bellevue Ave Ste J, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-324-9194    
Seaside Psychological Services
Mental Health Clinic
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 117 Bellevue Ave, Suite 201d, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-239-6895    Fax: 401-849-3659
Victoria Fleming Llc
Mental Health Clinic
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 360 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 860-999-1257    
Gracious Audette
Mental Health Clinic
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 7 Rhode Island Ave, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-841-9198    Fax: 401-841-9198
Emerald Springs Counseling, Llc
Mental Health Clinic
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 360 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 847-999-1257    

Medicare Program: Medicare is a federal government program which provides health insurance to people who are 65 or older. This program also covers certain younger people with disabilities (who receive Social Security Disability Insurance - SSDI), and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant, sometimes called ESRD.

Medicare Assignment: Assignment means that your doctor, provider, or supplier agrees (or is required by law) to accept the Medicare-approved amount as full payment for covered services. Most doctors, providers, and suppliers accept assignment, but you should always check to make sure. Participating providers have signed an agreement to accept assignment for all Medicare-covered services.

NPI Number: The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique identification number for covered health care providers. The NPI must be used in lieu of legacy provider identifiers in the HIPAA standards transactions. Covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses must use the NPIs in the administrative and financial transactions adopted under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

Our Data: Information on is built using data sources published by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The information disclosed on the NPI Registry are FOIA-disclosable and are required to be disclosed under the FOIA and the eFOIA amendments to the FOIA. There is no way to 'opt out' or 'suppress' the NPPES record data for health care providers with active NPIs.