Kaplan General Hospital, Inc. is a medicare enrolled mental health clinic (Psychiatric Unit) in Kaplan, Louisiana. The current practice location for Kaplan General Hospital, Inc. is 1310 W 7th St, Kaplan, Louisiana. For appointments, you can reach them via phone at (337) 643-8300. The mailing address for Kaplan General Hospital, Inc. is 1310 W 7th St, Kaplan, Louisiana and phone number is (337) 643-8300.
Kaplan General Hospital, Inc. is licensed to practice in * (Not Available) (license number ). The clinic also participates in the medicare program and its NPI number is 1710364484. This medical practice accepts medicare insurance (which means this clinic accepts the Medicare-approved amount; you will not be billed for any more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance). However, please confirm if they accept your insurance at (337) 643-8300.