Mederi Caretenders | |
18118 Powell Rd, Brooksville, Florida 34604 | |
(337) 233-1307 | |
Name | Mederi Caretenders |
Location | 18118 Powell Rd, Brooksville, Florida |
Certified By | Medicare |
Services Offered | Nursing Care Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Pathology Medical Social Services |
Medicare ID | 107500 |
Ownership Type | Proprietary |
Service Area Zip Codes | 32112, 32131, 32134, 32139, 32140, 32147, 32148, 32157, 32177, 32181, 32187, 32189, 32193, 32640, 32666, 33523, 34423, 34428, 34429, 34432, 34433, 34434, 34436, 34442, 34446, 34448, 34449, 34450, 34452, 34453, 34461, 34464, 34465, 34601, 34602, 34604, 34606, 34607, 34608, 34609, 34613, 34614 |
NPI Number | 1093884223 |
Address | 18118 Powell Rd, Brooksville, FL 34604 |
Phone Number | 352-592-1424 |
NPI Number | 1174991038 |
Doing Business As | |
Address | 4106 Columbia Rd Ste 202, Martinez, GA 30907 |
Phone Number | 337-233-1307 |
NPI Number | 1316242084 |
Organization Name | MAINE HOMECARE, LLC |
Doing Business As | |
Address | 55 Foden Rd, Suite 1, South Portland, ME 04106 |
Phone Number | 337-233-1307 |
NPI Number | 1417268806 |
Organization Name | OKLAHOMA HOME HEALTH LLC |
Address | 3505 S 113th West Ave, Ste C, Sand Springs, OK 74063 |
Phone Number | 337-233-1307 |
NPI Number | 1518953579 |
Organization Name | MEDERI OF ALACHUA COUNTY, INC. |
Doing Business As | |
Address | 12106 Cortez Blvd, Brooksville, FL 34613 |
Phone Number | 352-592-1424 |
NPI Number | 1598005357 |
Organization Name | LHCG XXXVIII, LLC |
Doing Business As | |
Address | 1850 Gateway Blvd Ste 200, Concord, CA 94520 |
Phone Number | 337-233-1307 |
NPI Number | 1649938481 |
Organization Name | R2K2 LLC |
Doing Business As | |
Address | 1850 Gateway Blvd Ste 200, Concord, CA 94520 |
Phone Number | 925-948-8700 |
Quality Rating: |
Quality Measure | Provider | National Avg. |
How often the home health team began their patients’ care in a timely manner | 99.6 | 95.7 |
How often the home health team taught patients (or their family caregivers) about their drugs | 99.8 | 98.6 |
How often the home health team checked patients’ risk of falling | 100 | 99.6 |
How often the home health team checked patients for depression | 99.5 | 97.4 |
How often the home health team made sure that their patients have received a flu shot for the current flu season. | 63.4 | 78.7 |
How often the home health team made sure that their patients have received a pneumococcal vaccine (pneumonia shot). | 65.5 | 82.2 |
With diabetes, how often the home health team got doctor’s orders, gave foot care, and taught patients about foot care | 99.5 | 96.4 |
Quality Measure | Provider | National Avg. |
How often patients got better at walking or moving around | 86.6 | 79.6 |
How often patients got better at getting in and out of bed | 85.6 | 81.1 |
How often patients got better at bathing | 87.5 | 82.3 |
How often patients’ breathing improved | 85.1 | 82.8 |
How often patients’ wounds improved or healed after an operation | 94.6 | 92.3 |
How often patients got better at taking their drugs correctly by mouth | 84.9 | 75 |
How often home health patients had to be admitted to the hospital | 14.7 | 15.4 |
How often patients receiving home health care needed urgent, unplanned care in the ER without being admitted | 11.2 | 13 |
How often physician-recommended actions to address medication issues were completely timely | 99.4 | 94 |
Question Type: | Rating by Patients |
Health team gave care in a professional way | |
Health team communicated well with them | |
Health team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety | |
How patients rated overall care from agency |
Experience Measure | Provider | National Avg. |
Percent of patients who reported that their home health team gave care in a professional way | 89 | 88 |
Percent of patients who reported that their home health team communicated well with them | 87 | 85 |
Percent of patients who reported that their home health team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety with them | 84 | 83 |
Percent of patients who gave their home health agency a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest) | 82 | 84 |
Percent of patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend the home health agency to friends and family | 78 | 78 |
Mederi Caretenders Location: 18118 Powell Rd, Brooksville, Florida 34604 Ratings: Phone: (337) 233-1307 | |
Encompass Health Home Health Location: 16348 Cortez Blvd Unit B, Brooksville, Florida 34601 Ratings: Phone: (352) 592-7440 | |
Adventhealth Home Care Northwest Florida Location: 217 Howell Ave, Brooksville, Florida 34601 Ratings: Phone: (352) 796-7424 |