Revathy Ameeruddin, MD - Medicare Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation in Dyer, IN

Revathy Ameeruddin, MD is a medicare enrolled "Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation" physician in Dyer, Indiana. She graduated from medical school in 1997 and has 27 years of diverse experience with area of expertise as Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation. She is a member of the group practice Franciscan Physician Network and her current practice location is 24 Joliet St Ste 101, Dyer, Indiana. You can reach out to her office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (219) 864-2059.

Revathy Ameeruddin is licensed to practice in Indiana (license number 01061500A) and she also participates in the medicare program. She accepts medicare assignments (which means she accepts the Medicare-approved amount; you will not be billed for any more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance) and her NPI Number is 1588730063.

Contact Information

Revathy Ameeruddin, MD
24 Joliet St Ste 101,
Dyer, IN 46311-1705
(219) 864-2059
(219) 864-2644

Map and Direction

Physician's Profile

Full NameRevathy Ameeruddin
SpecialityPhysical Medicine And Rehabilitation
Experience27 Years
Location24 Joliet St Ste 101, Dyer, Indiana
Accepts Medicare AssignmentsYes. She accepts the Medicare-approved amount; you will not be billed for any more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance.
  Medical Education and Training:
  • Revathy Ameeruddin graduated from medical school in 1997
  NPI Data:
  • NPI Number: 1588730063
  • Provider Enumeration Date: 11/28/2006
  • Last Update Date: 02/15/2023
  Medicare PECOS Information:
  • PECOS PAC ID: 4880589043
  • Enrollment ID: I20090310000322

Medical Identifiers

Medical identifiers for Revathy Ameeruddin such as npi, medicare ID, medicare PIN, medicaid, etc.

Medical Taxonomies and Licenses

TaxonomyTypeLicense (State)Status
208100000XPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation 010-81500A (Indiana)Secondary
208100000XPhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation A84433 (California)Secondary