Fresenius Kidney Care Town And Country in Tampa, Florida - Dialysis Center

Fresenius Kidney Care Town And Country is a medicare approved dialysis facility center in Tampa, Florida and it has 13 dialysis stations. It is located in Hillsborough county at 5951 Webb Road, Tampa, FL, 33615. You can reach out to the office of Fresenius Kidney Care Town And Country at (813) 243-6130. This dialysis clinic is managed and/or owned by Fresenius Medical Care. Fresenius Kidney Care Town And Country has the following ownership type - Profit. It was first certified by medicare in January, 2018. The medicare id for this facility is 682636 and it accepts patients under medicare ESRD program.

Dialysis Center Profile

NameFresenius Kidney Care Town And Country
Location5951 Webb Road, Tampa, Florida
No. of Dialysis Stations 13
Medicare ID682636
Managed ByFresenius Medical Care
Ownership TypeProfit
Late Shifts No

Contact Information

5951 Webb Road, Tampa, Florida, 33615
(813) 243-6130
Not Available

Map and Direction

NPI Associated with this Dialysis Facility:

Dialysis Facilities may have multiple NPI numbers. We have found possible NPI number/s associated with Fresenius Kidney Care Town And Country from NPPES records by matching pattern on the basis of name, address, phone number etc. Please use this information accordingly.

NPI Number1437673407
Organization NameFresenius Kidney Care Town And Country
Doing Business AsBio-medical Applications Of Florida, Inc.
Address5951 Webb Rd Tampa, Florida, 33615
Phone Number(813) 243-6108

Patient Distribution